Sunday, July 17, 2016

Do you really need all those guns?

How many guns do you own? You're right; it's none of your business. 

But I bet you owe more than one. I own more than one. Pretty much every gun owner in the United States owns more than one. I just read somewhere that for every 100 people in this country there are 112 guns. That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. 

But sometimes I still think, "Wow, I have a lot of guns." Just yesterday I went into my gun room. Yes, it's a room. (Gun safes are so 2001) I built a small but well protected room for my guns. Yesterday, I needed something and literally had to wedge myself into the room to find the gun I wanted. Then I looked around and smiled. Life is good. Tyrants beware.

The question in the headlines lately speaks to a "need" for guns. That's an interesting word, "need." Do I need guns? Well I think I do. I could certainly go about my daily activities without a gun, I did it for years. But what if, during those activities, someone tries to forcefully take what is rightfully mine? I have the right to keep what is mine. I have the right to defend myself with what the government has deemed an "appropriate" level of force. If that interaction escalates to where I feel the use of a firearm is the only way for me to stay safe, them, YES, I need a gun.

Liberals will tell you that you should walk away. You should not use force even when threatened with force. To my way of thinking, that is the recipe for tyranny. There will always be a bully out there who will push as far as he can to take what does not belong to him. He will not stop until he is stopped. To stop him, you will have to use at least the same amount of force as he is willing to use. More than likely, you will have to use one level of force higher than he is willing to use. If he refuses to back down, you will need a gun and you will likely need to use it. If you do not, he will control you. Your freedom will be lost. After that, your life will be lost. I prefer to keep both.

So now we come to the number of guns one might "need." There was a news report a while back about a New York man arrested with an "arsenal" of 17 weapons. If the CNN reporter ever came to my house, she might just die of shock. (Those paying close attention now realize the number of guns in my house is north of 17.) Why did he need "all those guns?"

He didn't. Nor do I. But rights are not about what some other person thinks I need. Rights are about what I want. And today, I want a mid-sized 9mm single-stack pistol. Why? Because I just reviewed my inventory and I don't have one of those!

Like the surfer looking for the perfect wave, I have yet to find the perfect gun. If that means I take an old 1896 Mauser bolt-action rifle and rebarrel it to 7.62 so I can have a little carbine for the deer woods, so be it. If that means I want to try out four different .40 caliber pistols, well, leave me alone. I'm going to try them out.

Someone one told me I would only regret the things I didn't do. Dad was right. I regret a lot of things I didn't do. But I also regret parting with every firearm I ever sold. I am at a point in my life where that will never happen again.

Do I need all of those guns? That's not for you, or anyone else, to say. We have the right to own guns, That's all there is to it. Life is short buy a gun. 

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