Friday, June 7, 2013

Healthy at 50

Well here we are. About 2 years into my health transformation. And although there a major hiccup along the way, I FEEL GREAT. In two weeks I turn 50 and have never felt better. 

For those who don't know, let me tell you how this journey has gone.

This all started 6 years ago when my wife and I decided to quit smoking. Now with this being a major undertaking, I decided to take to other who had quit. I asked questions as to how they did it and how long it had been. So when they answered the how long question with 40, 30, 35, 25, 15 pounds ago, I sort of panicked. You see I was already overweight so adding more was not an option. And so the weight loss journey began.

So since I still had every intention to quit smoking we decided to drop a few pounds first. So we did what is called the Atkins diet. I was very difficult to do at first. I totally did not like changing my entire eating habits. But I did it. And did it so well I got back to my high school weight. This process took about 4 to 5 months to do. The problem is that I didn't seem to know when to stop until people were asking me if I was ill. Everyone was commenting about my face being sunk in and looking like I had cancer. The problem in my mind was that the belly fat wasn't going away. I would not except the old adage, "your getting older what do you expect?" Well I did expect that at 42 years of age.

So we finally lost the desired weight and quit smoking. Yep that was hard. And yep I fell of the wagon, but only once. And I absolutely gained the weight back. Which put me right back where I stared, except I was now a non-smoker. Since the Atkins diet burns muscle along with the fat, I was worse of then when I started. My lazy ways did not put muscle back on. JUST FAT. Which in turn really turned me into a pop drinking, non-smoking couch potato. Many time I thought that I had been so hard on my body over  time that I was going to be lucky to make it to see 50. Everything part of my body seemed to have some sort of pain. So what a live I was leading. Go to work, and go home and fall asleep in my chair in front of the  TV.
That was it. I HAD BECOME MY DAD. Of course, except for the weight gain, no one could tell I was hurting. Never really told anyone. I was just wasting away. For the family and friends reading this, I was truly hurting. Sorry I never told anyone. Which again I had become my dad. Until two things happen.

This first was some telling me that I needed to see a doctor and start taking care of myself. She said that she didn't want me to end up like dad. Hell I didn't even think she really cared. About that same time, a good friend came be and showed me an option that he said was working for many others. I, of course, didn't think it would work and said no thank you. He didn't give up, thank God.

So two years ago I got started with a program call the Body By Vi Challenge. I was still very skeptic about it. I didn't tell to many people as I was afraid it wouldn't work. But after losing 30 pounds in my first 90 days I was impressed. So much so I have never stopped doing it. Now I'm not wasting away thin by any stretch. I just alter each 90 day stretch to fit each new fitness goal I have.

So what has this done for me? EVERYTHING.

So besides the obvious weight loss, I sleep way better than I ever have. I no longer have lower back pain. Joint pain in the knees, GONE. Arthritis in my wrist. GONE. Sinus issue's, not gone, buy way better. Energy level it through the roof.

So years ago I was writing myself off at 50. Well in two week I will celebrate the 50th birthday and I have never felt better. And oh by the way, the doctor says my numbers have never looked any better. Yes sis I did go.

Oh by the way that energy level I talked about. I stared riding a bike for exercise. First a few mile here and there. Which turned into riding it to work 8 miles each way. Until I took a fall last year and dislocated my hip. Ya that hurt. The doctor said at my age I could take up to a year to be back to normal. Well as most know I'm not normal. I'm back on the bike and training to ride this years Ragbrai, which is a bike ride across Iowa. And in only 8 months for recovery instead of 12. Out bodies heal themselves if we give it the proper nutrition. I strongly believe I am doing that with the challenge.

If this is what 50 should feel like, I can't wait for 60 to get here.