Saturday, February 7, 2015

Fail to plan? Then plan to FAIL!!

Just a short note this morning. Was thinking about this and wanted to share it with you.

So.... Fail to plan, plan to fail. What does than mean to you?

One thing you need to remember is it is a marathon not a sprint. You are not going to get to your goals overnight. One of the most difficult things to remember is that after a week of going full speed ahead to reach you goal and realizing you haven't made any progress is that the time wasn't wasted. You have lived a whole week working towards your goal. I may be difficult to see it now but you have made progress. Sometimes it takes a while to see the effects of that progress. But trust in the fact that progress was made.

Start slow and keep moving forward. remember it is a marathon not a sprint. Don't burn out before you get to the end. Slow progress is progress. To reach any goal you must make a clear and concise plan and follow it to the letter. Don't try to do it on the fly as you WILL FAIL!

The best plan is to make a plan. Believe me when I say I have made plenty of plans to reach different goals. And I have went after a goal with no plan. When I had a plan I succeeded, when I didn't have one...... Yep I FAILED! And failed big. When I did create a plan I may not have always followed the timeline of the plan, however, if I made a plan and stuck to it to the end, no matter how slow or fast I went as long as I had a plan and followed it to the end I reached my goal.

Hmmm read that last sentence again. Go ahead I'll wait.................................

Understand it? Set a goal and make a plan and you WILL WIN. Goals without plans are dreams. They are there but you will never reach them.

Now get off the computer and go make a plan to reach your next goal.

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