Sunday, January 4, 2015

Proven Tips for Finding The Right Business

With 2015 here, people tend to re-evaluate what they are doing. With some massive launches taking place in January, this is a good time to make a move. I am keeping this article company neutral. But enjoy the articile and help it guide you to your best decision.
These 7 Criteria are critical for long term success in this industry. I have evaluated every MLM in the US through this lens and it helps you create a more objective decision based on the true indicators of performance instead of making an emotional decision that will leave you confused as to why your product which you love just isn't getting the results you hoped for. Look at each of the 7 criteria carefully- each one is crucial:
1) Leadership Ethics and Cause
The Market is emotionally driven, successful companies rally around a cause beyond the monetization of the product. aka Thomas shoes. The cause creates momentum by touching your purpose.
2) Market Timing
The best time to get in is NOT when the company is ground floor (9/10 fail in first 2 years). We look for companies that are 5 years to 15 years. That way you know they have survived the launch and have worked out the glitches and infrastructure in order to “scale”. Scaling is where to residual is established with global market growth.
3) Compensation
This is a crucial aspect, yet one of the most misunderstood areas. Look for compensation plans designed with a strong front end loaded compensation for new members as well as balance throughout the life of the business. Unilevels with a binary attributes are the best. Binaries alone are a weak model. (One is being revealed in January that is the best I have ever seen- and offers EQUITY- and I have seen them all)
4) Cash Liquidity
This point is one many overlook....many companies boast about being debt free. Frankly, you can be debt free and broke. I look for liquid assets. Does the company have cash liquidity to advance product development and marketing when others have to hang tight to survive in a strained economy. 
5) Training and Support
Training must be simple and duplicatable. This should not be an involved process, but one designed with simplicity plus hands on mentoring. 
6) Technology
Innovation in Social Media, Mobile Applications as well as future development are essential for the competitive edge. 
7) Product
No matter how good your product is, it will not move without these first 6 criteria. But Product is important. Once you have find a good product, it works best with the following features:
a) Consumables- These are the best products to get into for several reason. First point- they need to be replenished so you can create volume off of repeat business
b) Redirect Products- Consumables based on meals (meal replacement) work the best because they are redirecting money ALREADY SPENT on a monthly basis so you can build a business without adding any additonal cost for the new member.
c) Disappearing autoship- programs that help give free product creates market stability
These seven criteria have shown themselves to be very accurate in predicting future success. Use them for your benefit. 

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