Friday, July 5, 2013

Creating An Amazing Day

"In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth." (Genesis 1:1) I think most of us have atleast a descent understanding on how the story goes in terms of creating the Earth. I think alot of us how ever skip over or atleast don't pay much attention to the Creating Heaven part. Maybe it is because Heaven is so unfathomable that we are unable to comprehend it so rather than spend time on it we focus on what is a little easier to comprehend, the Earth. None the less, there it is. God actually took the time to create Heaven. I have never thought of Heaven actually being created in all its glory and splendor. God didn't just occupy it but created it.

Why do I find that to be a big deal? Well first off if you read the ancient text of the bible and other works, you'll find that before God created the earth or anything else in its physical form, he first created it in a spiritual less tangible form. In addition to that, the order of creating things physically was not in the same order as things created spiritual. In fact physically man may have come last in creation, but spiritually man came first. But perhaps the biggest kicker of all is that not only did God create the Earth and everything on it but he allowed us to assist in it's creation.

Now if you think about that for a while, it should blow you away. To think that we actually had power to create something so beautiful and glorious. However it makes since. Most of us freely accept the fact that God is our Heavenly Father, and like any child as they grow and progress they tend to take on the traits of their parents. So really this great power to create is our nature. The most obvious proof of this is that every day millions of babies are born. Thats why we call the act of making babies pro"creating".

Baby making is not our only creating skill. Our earth is full of amazing creations that with the intelligence granted to us by our Heavenly Father, that man has created. Giant Skyscrapers and bridges, amazing technology, awe inspiring music etc. But what we probably don't realize atleast conciously is just Like God Created way back when, all those things were first created in Spiritual form. Take the Golden Gate bridge for example; someone, one day had the thought to build this enormous bridge that would act as a conduit to transport people across the San Franciso Bay. The bridge further created on paper by drawing up plans with mathmatical and geometric equations to assure the bridge would prove sufficient. Then the creation we all think about finally came to pass as the physical structure was put together and viola, the bridge is one of the greatest man made structures ever built. But it all began with the intangible spiritual creation of thought followed then by creating it on paper and so forth.

What the Blog is all about is doing what was originally done so very long ago. If you read that first chapter of Genesis it is amazing to see how much actually got done in what is referred to as a day. No doubt this was possible because as I have already mentioned it was all ready created before then. Since we are children of God and have been given the power to create. My suggestion is to use the same formula that was used to create an amazing day in Genesis and use it to create an amazing day now and every day there after.

Every day for 6 years I have started my day by finishing it first. I take a 3X5 card and a pen and I start to give the day some thought. At first I wrote 6 things that I found essential to do every day and then would put a few more things I needed to do or wanted to do. As time went on and I finally got in the habit of getting my 6 daily things done I added a seventh. Once I mastered the seventh I mastered an eighth and so on. I now have 13 things that I do on a daily basis. I usually add half a dozen or so other things that need to get done, or things that I want to do to have fun. So once I fill out my 3X5 card, i take a moment and look at it. I ask myself if this was all to get done would it be an amazing day? (Cheesy I Know) Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes No. However I never start the day until I can say that this is gonna be a day for the ages. Once that is done, I am jacked out of my mind and I get to work. I have increased my productivity more than 5x's what I used to be and I have mastered certain aspects of my life that I would have never done if I didn't keep myself concious to do it.

Some of my days I create the day with ultimate productivity in mind. Others I am looking for a lesson to be learned or to have a life experiance. Sometimes the goal is to do some service or philanthropy, but always when all is said and done, you tend to get what you focus on. It is as simple as that. Write down what you want life to bring you today and chances are life will bring it to you on a silver platter. Let me give you an example of what a day would look like, here is my list today.

1) Prayer 2) Read 10pgs of a good book 3) Listen to 30 Minutes of Personal Development 4) Money making stuff 5) Update Calendar
7) journal 8) Visualization 9) Bike ride 10) Get Ragbria stuff 11) Finish Blog 12) Mail Package 13)Map route for Shelly 14) pick up remains from vet.

Now That is a full day, with getting things done in mind. It's a lot but because Ive been doing most of this everyday for a while slowly I have been able to get more accomplished, Granted it's not creating Oceans and Countless animals but based on the same principles that our Father in Heaven followed, I am able to create my own amazing days. May you live all the days of your life, we have a limited supply of them and the clock is ticking.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting blog, I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing. I need to get myself a bike.
